Saturday, December 3, 2011

Once upon a time...

It's been almost a month since I blogged, but I have a legitimate reason for it.

School is swamping me!!!

But I think I'm almost caught up, so I decided to make a blog. I might even make a vlog tomorrow.
Sadly not much has happened besides school.

I failed NaNoWriMo miserably, which, in hindsight, was to be expected. This is my busiest period so far, but it is a lot of fun.

I'm learning about setting up a network, which is really cool to do. My favorite way, atm, is to create a static network. Because you really have to be careful with creating routes, otherwise it won't work. And when it doesn't work you have to find why and where and how. And in a big network it would be like looking for hay in a haystack. (Since a needle can be easily found with a strong enough magnet. I wonder why nobody figured this out yet? :P)

I also took up violin lessons again. I started yesterday (or technically the day before yesterday, since it just turned sunday.) and I already learned a lot. I have learned how to switch hand positions and an exercise for vibrato. It will need a whole lot more practice before I can implement it, but I'm getting there. Also, I learned that if you want to play D, A or E you shouldn't do it fingerless, but always with the fourth finger (in first position) of the previous string. When I feel that I know a piece good enough, I might even post it on my channel.

Also it was my birthday last week and I had a lot of fun. I went out with some friends in a local pub and I even met some new people.

That's about it for now.
Maybe you'll see a new vlog by me tomorrow, but I can't promise anything. It's 1:00AM now and I also have work tomorrow. My blog just took priority because it's been longer since I blogged then since I vlogged.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 5 of NaNoWriMo

Today is day 5 of NaNoWriMo and I'm a bit sad to admit, I'm running behind.
At the moment I only have 4819 words and I have during the weekends, so I can't really do a whole lot about it at the moment.
Lucky for me, I have most of next week off from school, so I'll be picking up the pace then. Maybe even work ahead a bit.
Well, that's all for today. I want to write some more before I go to work.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

All of the ideas

So, I have been thinking what I really want to do with my channel. I enjoy vlogging, but a gimmick seems fun as well. So, as I said, I've been thinking and in this blog I will try to create order out of chaos. Below I'll put the ideas I had so far with the benefits and downsides of it. Since I count vlogging as a standard benefit, I won't count that as one below.

Some of the ideas I have come up with are:
  1. Do a vlog in Japanese every once in a while. This has one benefits: I get to practice a language that I like (Japanese). As of now I don't see any downside for this idea.
  2. Make movie reviews, either monthly or weekly. This has has one benefits: I get watch movies. It has one downside, it'll be expensive to go to the movies regularly.
  3. Make vlogs of me going to several different musea. This has one benefit: I will become more cultured. Again the downside is that it will be expensive to travel to different musea on a regular basis, also I won't be able to do them regularly, because I study during the midweek and work in the weekend.
  4. Make videos about Nerdfighter gatherings. This has one benefits: I will meet many more Nerdfighters, who as we all know are made out of awesome. Two downsides though: it will cost money to go to all these gatherings and they are mostly during the weekend, which is when I work. So it'll cost me money on two fronts.
The cost downsides for movie reviews and musea can be fixed easily; I get a movie unlimited card and a museum card, respectively.
But the downsides for going to Nerdfighter gatherings are less easy to fix. The ideas I had for that so far are: getting a job during midweek nights. But I have a steady job that I actually like now, and we all know how hard they are to come by. Going only once every 3 months, but then I will probably miss a lot of them.

So for now I will probably just do Japanese vlogs every once in a while. And I will look into the movie and museum cards.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Best Wishes and DFTBA

Yesterday I went to my FIRST EVER Nerdfigher gathering. IT WAS AWESOME!!!
I met new people and I saw some of the more famous youtubers, though I was a bit to nervous to really talk to them. Not sure why, probably because it seemed weird to talk to someone you know, but who doesn't know you. Or if you find that not a good enough of an explanation, I'll just use an excuse I haven't used since I was 16: I'm autistic. It's a bit of BS reason, especially since I trained since I found out to adept better to social situations, but YOU didn't find the other reason good enough. :P (Although, I must admit, it did become a bit to crowded for me somewhere in the middle, so I sat in a corner doing a concentration exercise.)

We played games, I joined in with Ninja and Who am I (in my vlog I say I don't know the name, but later I found out).
We had dinner, I made new friends. Everyone that I met was purely made out of awesome.
It was a bit sad for me to go, but I really enjoyed the time I spent there.

I will DEFINITELY go to another one. :D

Saturday, October 1, 2011


It's the 1st of October, do you know what that means?!? Only one month till NaNoWriMo!!!
I started on my plot today and I made the main characters yesterday.
I 'm really excited about it. It'll be my first time to join and I plan on winning :D

I'm not sure what I will do with the story; if I like it I'll probably post it on my account, if I really like I'll have it proofread and try to get it published. But the latter is a major IF.

So my plan for October is to make a red thread for the story, maybe even a rough indication for the chapters to see what I want in them.

I feel like my mind is floating in a storm of ideas, now I only have to pick the right ones for the story.

Next saturday I'll be at my first Nerdfighter gathering, and I'm still really excited about that :D I'll probably blog and vlog about it, so stay tuned for that.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lack of Focus and Social Addiction

This last week I haven't been able to concentrate a whole lot on my project. Monday I made a Use Case and a Class Diagram (which were later deleted by an unknown colleague, but that's beside the point) :( After that I had a whole lot of more stuff to work on, but I just couldn't focus. I couldn't focus on my classes, I couldn't focus on my work, I couldn't focus on writing and I couldn't focus on UML. Instead, whenever I had to do something, I went on facebook/twitter/hotmail/blogspot to wait on something to read/comment/reply.

Yes, my name is Friso and I'm a social addict. I live for replying on a twitter, and I'm ecstatic when I get a reply or get retweeted. I read all the status'of my friends on facebook to see what they're up to. And yes I know that it would be more social to call them and actually talk with them, but it seems just easier to go to FB. And no, I don't plan on treating it, I just need to get my focus back.

On another note, I'M GOING TO MY FIRST NERDFIGHTER GATHERING IN 2 WEEKS!!! :D I'm so anxieted about it (that's right, I joined anxious and excited together in one week). I'm not sure what I should expect, but I'll go as prepared as possible!
I'll be taking my poi, my camera, my notebook, something to eat, something to drink and something to read. I really hope to meet new people, maybe even new friends. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First blog, yeah :)

So, I've tried bloggin a few times before, but I never really followed through.
This WILL be different, for several reasons:

1. I want to write a book and blogging seems like a good way to practice. I will also start participating at NaNoWriMo in order to practice.
2. I have thoughts rolling around in my head all the time, to quick for me to catch. I will use my blogs to order my thoughts and remember my ideas.
3. Lastly, I also make vlogs on youtube and one of my... I'm not sure whatchamacallit, one of the reasons??? that I started vlogging, also blogs. And I really hope to become an open and forthright person like her.

Now a few things about me:
1. I'm studying computer science at the Hague University. It's been a lot of fun so far. I have had 2 project and am currently working on my 3rd. The first project was to build an application that has a connection with a database.
Although this was very interesting, I liked the second project more. This was because we had to make a game, in this case Sokoban, and it has become the basis for a game that I am currently designing (though not for school, just for myself and maybe later for you).
I am currently working on a maintenance project, which means that we have been given a pre-build application that we are supposed to improve through several releases. Alse we get several incident reports, which we are supposed to resolve.

2. I have started vlogging this year. I am still very new at it and I'm not sure what I really want to on my channel. So, for now I am making random videos. I have several ideas for things that I can do and I will try them out, hoping that I will find something that I really want to do in the long run.
I also really want to go to vidcon one day, but the soonest that I can go to will probably be in 2 years. Next year I want to go to Japan, which I am really looking forward to. After that I'll just have to see if I can save up enough money to go to vidcon the year after.

3. I play Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40K. It is one of the things that I can fully focus on and helps me clear my mind. I have collected several armies already, most recently Blood Angels and Warriors of Chaos. The next army that I want is Ogre Kingdoms. I have a cool (at least I think it's cool, and that's all that really matters in this hobby) to convert, base and paint it. I will probably vlog about the conversions and painting. But it'll have to wait 'till after my birthday, since by then I'll have saved up enough to buy it in one take.

Well, it's getting pretty late and I still have to finish some documention for my project by tomorrow. So I'll stop the blog here. I have one last thing to ask; I get most of my inspiration from other people when I do things, so if you happen to know a blogger that you really like and think I might like as well, please send me a link. I'll be sure to check her/him out.