Saturday, December 3, 2011

Once upon a time...

It's been almost a month since I blogged, but I have a legitimate reason for it.

School is swamping me!!!

But I think I'm almost caught up, so I decided to make a blog. I might even make a vlog tomorrow.
Sadly not much has happened besides school.

I failed NaNoWriMo miserably, which, in hindsight, was to be expected. This is my busiest period so far, but it is a lot of fun.

I'm learning about setting up a network, which is really cool to do. My favorite way, atm, is to create a static network. Because you really have to be careful with creating routes, otherwise it won't work. And when it doesn't work you have to find why and where and how. And in a big network it would be like looking for hay in a haystack. (Since a needle can be easily found with a strong enough magnet. I wonder why nobody figured this out yet? :P)

I also took up violin lessons again. I started yesterday (or technically the day before yesterday, since it just turned sunday.) and I already learned a lot. I have learned how to switch hand positions and an exercise for vibrato. It will need a whole lot more practice before I can implement it, but I'm getting there. Also, I learned that if you want to play D, A or E you shouldn't do it fingerless, but always with the fourth finger (in first position) of the previous string. When I feel that I know a piece good enough, I might even post it on my channel.

Also it was my birthday last week and I had a lot of fun. I went out with some friends in a local pub and I even met some new people.

That's about it for now.
Maybe you'll see a new vlog by me tomorrow, but I can't promise anything. It's 1:00AM now and I also have work tomorrow. My blog just took priority because it's been longer since I blogged then since I vlogged.

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